1. Account Info
  2. Company Info
  3. Business Info

Already have an account? SIGN IN

Thank you for expressing interest in Stixo Signage Supplies. In order to remain a wholesale distributor and honour our commitment to our customers, we sell to printing, signage, branding and architectural businesses as well as res-sellers. This means that all new accounts must be reviewed and approved.

By completing this registration, it will help us understand your business better and would allow us to serve your needs faster.

Note to all previously registered users on our old website:

  • Due to this new website being on a different server that the previous one, you will have to re-register in order to gain access. We apologise for this inconvenience.
  • In order to ensure we have your correct details and company information, kindly complete all the compulsory fields of the registration process. Your co-operation is appreciated.